Compound Metal Coatings Inc.
July 28, 2023

Podcast: Compound Metals Coatings’ President, Natalia Stephen, talks coatings, cleantech and challenges

Compound Metal Coatings’ President sits down to talk about the coatings industry, advanced manufacturing amidst a cleantech revolution, and other challenges heading into the future.

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Compound Metal Coatings Inc.’s Founder and President, Natalia Stephen, sits down with us to talk about her coatings business, its supply chain challenges, and the future of the industry amidst a cleantech revolution.

Podcast: Compound Metals Coatings’ President, Natalia Stephen, talks coatings, cleantech and challenges – Canadian Manufacturing

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Compound Metal Coatings Inc.

Compound Metal Coatings Inc. is proud to be the largest provider of electroless nickel and composite coatings in Ontario. An industry leader since 2001, we offer exceptional solutions to a broad range of industries.

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